Saturday, November 07, 2009

Finally Done!
I finally finished the hat I was working on for Isabella. Turned out pretty good considering I didn't know what the heck I was doing (ok so a little bit).
I saw these amazing hats Kristy makes over at Noodle Noggins and thought I wanna try my hand at it. I sort of know how to crochet... if it doesn't work, I'll just take it apart and make a scarf! haha!

So I found this pattern here at Etsy, and VOILA!

I think it came out ok considering my yarn was a little on the fine side for the pattern and the fact I ripped it out 3 times before getting the right sizing. I had to do a little modifying to make it work. It's a wee tight for Isabella so I doubt she'll be wearing it a whole lot (unless mommy wears it around the house to try and stretch it a bit - haha).

Why don't you go try something new? go pick up the pattern...

My new project? Girly-ing up some hand-me-down jeans of Isabella's. They are boy jeans and since Isabella's hair refuses to grow, people already think she's a boy... gotta bling up the jeans!


Unknown said...

that hat is just too fun!

Sarah said...

SOO cute!

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