Look what arrived in my mailbox today...

Ok, so the picture isn't the best but she was busy twirling around with her new pretty dress. She even gave me a big hug before she put it on.... apparently it was a big hit! Usually she just puts on the skirts I make her but this one called for a hug! Isn't it ADORABLE? I got it from
Lil Miss Muffin's shop over at Etsy. I saw it, hummed and hawed as to whether I should buy it... and then I gave in. I figured I'd buy it for Isabella and then Sofia could use it as well, plus, I could use it as sort of a pattern. Maybe make another dress. So this got my mojo going... I was already trying to find the same fabric on etsy incase I wanted to make one for Sofia. I'll keep you posted as to what I come up with.
In the meantime, there are some shops at Etsy that not only sell the patterns (see above) for these kind of cute clothes, there are shops selling DIY kits (see below). How great! They send you the precut fabric and info and you do all the work! It's a great way to try and dive into making something on your own. (images are linked)

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