Friday, September 23, 2011
Well, it's been a while since I blogged here and you are probably thinking I dropped off the face of the earth.... well, not completely, I did drop off the face of Italy. Yes, we have made the GIANT move once more back to Canada.
Since I can't share my life and experiences in Italy with you anymore, I sadly will be neglecting this little bloggy from now on but I am making the big move over to my other blog:
I would love it if you could pop over there upon occasion. I love my readers and hope you will follow me in my move to hear about my experinces here as a Prairie Mom... it may not include gondolas or mideval castles but I hope to bring you great features, funny stories and other little crafty party ideas.
So this is where I say "Ciao!" to this blog and "Ciao" to my new blog.... gotta love how the italian language makes it easier for us other earth dwellers to remember how to say hi and bye ;P
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Ok, so bad blogger!
I have neglected this little bloggy for a very long time.... and so I thought I would give her a little attention... and update.
We have been crazy busy these last few months. The big move this past March when my girls and myself made the big flight from Italy back to Canada. Then starting a full time job on top of it... If any of you have followed the Lissy In Italy blog then you know I haven't worked in a few years. Quite the change. Now hubby has made the move as well finally after staying back home and cleaning up the appartment for renters or buyers.
Bella Expressions has been busy too! Sales are increasing and this busy momma is finding herself even busier. So much so, I am finally taking a chance at a one night getaway with my girlfriends. A day of shopping tomorrow and probably a fantastic dinner date with my 2 BFFs. Us mommas have been wanting one of these get-to-gethers for a few years now. I am so excited.
What's on our schedule? We're taking in the St. Albert market in the morning and heading to the new Hole's - we hear it is really something to check out. Then off to some shopping. SHOPPING! Now that's something I used to love. See, it became my nemisis almost in a country of fashion. Me having 2 girls in the past 4 years has not left me with my pre-momma figure.... and I was living in a country where everyone was a size 0 (is zero even really a size? Wouldn't it mean you were non-existent... anyways...). So yes, shopping became a painful experience. I'm hoping I can dive right in tomorrow and enjoy myself instead of shopping like I used to (if it fits, buy it cuz the kids are squirming). I'll actually have time to try clothes on... peruze the aisles... I'm getting almost giddy! Ha! Ha!
Well, I'm off to bed. I have to pack in the morning for my overnight stay.
Night night!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
We spent the day at the aquarium in Genova yesterday and it was a hit with the kids.... ok, us adults too. I kind of expected it to be a bit bigger but it was still pretty interesting and it was great to see the reactions and expressions the kids made. Our neighbour and her daughter came along for the ride so the girls were especially excited to have Angelika come along.
So onto the photos... above is the old sailboat in the Genova port right near the aquarium. It's really quite spectacular. I can't imagine sailing on one of those! Below are a few of the creatures we saw... an eel, several kinds of sharks, tropical fish (including Dory and Nemo and the gang),and that's little Sofia checking out the dolphin.We saw seahorses, manatees, seals, jellyfish (like below) big blue fish (Isabella is trying to kiss him.... I think he quite liked her dress), little turtles, big sea turtles, crocodiles, frogs, lizards... did I mention I got to touch a sting ray? They have some sting rays in a pool where you can touch them... that is if they will come to you. It was so cool! At first I was chicken, but I tried again and it was so cool! Their backs feel like they are all slimey and pimply... and along the edge of their bodies, they are really smooth and slimy... such a wierd feeling!
Then when we were all fishied out... we headed to Chiavari for some beach time.... well, we only stayed a few hours and paid way too much for the beach chairs but it was still fun. Maria had never actually been to the sea and either had Angelika so she was super excited. Sofia on the other hand wanted no part of this sticky, dirty sand business.... she was staying put on mommy's chair... we did get her to get down and play a little but when mommy added a tiny bit of water to the sand so it wasn't so dusty, that was the end of it. We then headed for ice cream and a little walk along the sea just to make sure the girls were good and pooped out. It was a pretty great day!
Friday, June 25, 2010

We're also trying to organize a trip to the zoo. I think the girls will love it and the Cornelle zoo is awesome! They have little vending machines (like those old bubblegum ones) so you can feed some of the animals and one cage has a tube-like cage that runs above where you walk over to another cage for the monkeys to pass through... but beware... last time we were there the people watching the bears got peed on!!! Too funny!!! They also put these little ribbons up when babies are born so you know which animals have babies and what sex in the cages... blue is for boys and pink for girls of course. I'll of course post picts of that trip. We were thinking Monday but a friend of ours who's been taking groups of kids there said Sunday would be less busy. So Sunday it might be.
So if you really looked at our pool picts you might have noticed something missing.... nope, not me! Like I'd let you see me in a bathing suit! Ha! Ha! Nope, the photos are missing a handfull of pretty little curls! We went to see our friend Edy the other day so this momma could get her hair cut and I figured I'd get him to fix the chop job momma did on Isabella's hair... and did he ever! He chopped off all the year's worth of growing ringlets... ok so they were only about an inch long but it took her a year to get it that long! Then Sofia was up... for just a tiny trim off the back as she likes to shake her hair... yep, those curls gone too! Oh well, Edy said their hair should grow in better (thicker I guess) now.... I hope it grows quick cuz I have 2 pretty little girls who could easily pass for boys!!! Sofia is sportin' that little pixie cut that Julia Roberts got that made everyone gasp! If only Sofia had a major role like Tinkerbell in a movie to make up for it! Oh well, it'll be cooler for the summer I guess... GROW HAIR! GROW!!!
I also am very excited to announce that we have a shiny new addition to the family.... a sewing machine!!!! It was in the stars for me! I've wanted one for a little while now.... and the other day G's sister saw an ad on the tv about a sewing machine for sale for only 79 euros!!! WOOT! WOOT! So this morning we went to see what it's like.... ok so it's not a Singer or Brother like the one I had in Canada but this one I think I'm gonna enjoy... it has like a ba-zillion styles of stitches! I can't wait to try it out!
Now onto a few great Etsy finds...
thatstoocuteboutique has these cute personalized towels perfect for the pool or beach!
Monday, June 14, 2010

In the meantime, there are some shops at Etsy that not only sell the patterns (see above) for these kind of cute clothes, there are shops selling DIY kits (see below). How great! They send you the precut fabric and info and you do all the work! It's a great way to try and dive into making something on your own. (images are linked)
Sunday, June 13, 2010

I found this on YouTube, I think we all need to start our day off like this I think...
So my little model finally let me get a photo of her with her new skirt.... isn't she cute?

I found these scrumptious little delights while blog hopping.... they're just too pretty to eat... ALMOST! (image linked)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010

Here's a few lemony fresh finds from Etsy sellers:
1. Lemon Luggage 2. Rose and Lemon Soap 3. Yellow Plaid Dress 4. Little Lady Felt Brooch 5. Vintage Yellow Purse 6. Yellow and Blue Earrings 7. Yellow and Purple Bracelet 8. Child's Lemon Dress 9. Yellow Flower Crochet Hat
So, yesterday I was completely embarassed! We've (ok I've) been really trying to push the potty training and pantie wearing thing a lot lately. I mean, it's summer and I'm sure it must feel so much better wearing panties than a big, fat, wet diaper in this heat. So anyways, I digress... we stopped in at the pharmacy to pick up some mosquito repelent as they seem to have half devowered my poor Isabella and I'm afraid if she spends another 1/2 hour out in our garden area she'll completely disappear. I turned around to check on Isabella as she always likes to sit in the baby section because they have baby toys etc... and she was standing there looking at me... with THAT face. "OH NO!" She had an accident. Ok, it was her first but I was so embarassed. I quickly grabbed my wipes in the stroller and the kleenexes and tried to clean it up. The ladies told me not to worry about it but this is my first time going through this and I felt so bad. Then to top it off, the Doctor who owns the pharmacy went and gave Isabella this little rubber watch/bracelet. Great, my kid pees on the floor and they give us free stuff! I know I should get over it and it is a tile floor and is easy to clean up, but still, I felt horrible! Next time I'm bringing extra panties!
Thursday, June 10, 2010

See this little lovely lady? She arrived at my house yesterday....

My plant is covered in these icky teeny tiny bugs! I'm not sure what to do! I don't want to spray a chemical onto the plant incase it kills it or seeps into the future veggies.... not sure what I should do! I don't want the bugs to migrate to my sweet little baby tomatoes which are right on the table beside it. I thought about moving the plant but I have no where to put it on our teeny balcony. If anyone has suggestions I'd love them.
So I just found these little lovelies...
I found these at Strawberry Fool. I want them! Ok so I'm not too sure why I need the picnic basket as we already have an electric cooler but the picnic blanket would be nice and the little cooler would be awesome when I go grocery shopping as it's a half hour walk for me with milk and meats etc... it would be just so chic and smart! Only problem is... They only ship to the UK! Please oh please ship to other European countries!!! PLEASE!!! I'm in love! They also have plates and other fab stuff if you are in the UK and are interested.