Shiny New Layout!
Like the new look? Thought this tired old blog was in need of a facelift, especially since I hadn't updated it in 2 years. Maybe it will inspire me to blog here a bit more:)
And if you've been following my design blog/store, you'll recognize all the yummy stuff I used for the layout... yup... it's my Sofia kit. Apparently I'm on a huge purple kick these days as half my wardrobe (ok so maybe more than half) is in different shades of this royal colour. Seriously, I'm not really sure if I've ever even owned a shirt in purple before, and now look at me! Ha! Ha!
So anyways, not too much new with us. Hubby is working steady (thank goodness as there's a tourism crisis - ok employment crisi alltogether)and the girls are growing like weeds. Yesterday Sofia turned 7 months old! Wow how time flies. I've been trying to do some scrapping and designing.... I have a yummy little summer kit coming out soon...
Hubby's been looking around for new vehicles.... our 14 year old clunker that we bought to get G back and forth to work is proving to be a little tight for us 3 ladies.... you know it's bad when you have to open the car door to do up your seatbelt! It's a bit snug for Isabella's car seat, Sofia's car seat and me all in the back plus when we throw our double stroller in the back there really isn't room for anything else! Hubby has been eyeing up.... HOLD YOURSELF PEOPLE..... (this is where the scarey "REE REE REE" music comes into play)... a family VAN! Ah yes, I may have to give in to the "soccer mom mini-van" thing. Well actually the van he's eyeing up isn't so mini.... we could probably fit the whole team in the van it's so big! It's a Renault (yes we Canadian/Italians will probably be driving a french car haha). It's actually a cool idea inside... 2 of the seats face backwards and there's a table that pops up, it's just kind of boxy looking on the outside is all. G wants something comfortable to move around in for the times we go to the sea or the mountains or make the long 6 hour excursion down to see the relates in Abruzzo.
That's the beast there.

Well, Sofia is getting squirmy so gotta sign off!
Ciao folks!